Thursday, March 31, 2016

Pencil on toned paper illustrations.

I completely forgot to post these when I finished them. The fall one was begun a year ago (2014); I intended to finish it more completely but when I rediscovered it this fall I couldn't remember what I had planned on doing. So, I just left it as is. It is 11x14 Prismacolor pencil on toned paper.

11x14 Prismacolor on toned paper 2014

The second drawing was completed early this spring, and depicts two sisters. It is also 11x14, Prismacolor pencil on toned paper. I love how it turned out! My camera depicts the yellows a little more glaring than the original artwork is, and some of the subtle color change is lost, but you get the idea.

11x14 Prismacolor on toned paper, 2016

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Three E's

The E family is my longest term clients, as I have been drawing their grandkids since 2007. I just finished portraits for three boys from the same family...although I assume they're all older now as they look the same ages in the photos! The drawings are 8x10, drawn with Prismacolor Pencil.
The last photo of them side by side might capture the colors a little more accurately. Still working on it.